Let God be God: Leveraging the Power of God to Change the World

Let God be God

In today’s tumultuous times there are many who readily accept mediocrity, unaware that they possess powers, which if summoned into action, would raise them to elevate the world’s most honored and successful beings. By letting God be God, one touch of God’s favor is all that is necessary to arouse those dormant faculties. How different would the world be if people figured out how to tap into God’s infinite storehouse of power and then allowed that power to manifest itself through their daily lives? Robert L. Wallace, a successful author, entrepreneur, business consultant and ordained Church Elder, shares how the power of God can be activated in anyone’s life to do wonderful and amazing things. Utilizing a Bible-based success methodology, Wallace shares the tenets and provides a step-by-step approach on how to leverage God’s power to not only change individual lives but to in fact change the world.